So, slowly but surely the MOJO and confidence is coming back. :) I had to get through a few 'eh' cards to finally get it back. So here is a card that I have made and wanted to share with you guys(and i did 98% of the editing to myself, thanks to my hubby who's a great teacher!)
Also wanted to let you all know that I have started filming my "Cake Decorating" mini series. I think I'm going to present it in shorter segements but im not a 100% sure yet. But it is being recorded, so the first episode should be up soon!!!
Lastly, I'm going back and forth with the idea of changing my blogging name. I really like 1/3 Chicklet but at the same time, i dont know how to put it, im sort of over it?!?! LOL that just sounds bad. Any who, I've been thinking of Trisha Marie but i need something before that.....I was thinking "Treats with Trisha Marie" since i'm now doing paper crafting and cake tips. But I'm not SOLD on it! I'd like to start out with a T word because i love the way that sounds. For example: "Made by Momo", "Creations with Christina". So any advice or suggestions WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!! And your thoughts on if I should even change it at all! :)