Thursday, August 25, 2016

Neat and Tangled Shaker and Sequins Challenge

Hey Everyone!  I'm here with another cad for you tonight...cutting it close to another deadline.  It seems to be that I work fantastic under pressure and things just click.  But man does it work my nerves! Haha.  This card is being entered into the Little Tangles Challenge Blog (a Neat and Tangled Challenge Blog).  I cannot believe that I just found this challenge blog but I'm so excited that I did because I LOVE Neat and Tangled products! 

This challenge was all about either creating a card that had some sequins on it or you could create a shaker card.  I went with one of my favorite cards...SHAKER!  I went pretty clean and simple with my card but I'm loving the end result. 

My card for the challenge features the Neat and Tangled Awesome Stamp Set and the phenomenal Neat and Tangled Journaling Alphas Dies.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

MFT Camp Create - Day 3 & 4

Day 3 of the My Favorite Things Camp Create was titled Remarkable Resist.  The card that was shared on the MFT Blog showcased some emboss resist with my favorite Distress Ink Blending!  As you can probable imagine, I was excited to get my fingers inky again! I'm featuring the MFT Dainty Scallop die and MFT Magical Dragons Stamp Set

Other Supplies Used: 
- Shimmer Spray (Can make it yourself with some water and Perfect pearls)
- Glitter Paper 
- Vellum 

 Day 4 of Camp Create was about Divine Dry Embossing.  I think I tried this technique 1 other time and epically failed at it.  So I took another shot at it and really loved the results! Its a technique that I will definitely be using on projects in the near future! For this card I'm featuring the MFT Kind Thanks Stamp Set and the MFT Blueprints Tag Builder #3.

Other Supplies Used: 
- Vellum
- Glitter Paper 
- Craft Foam

Saturday, August 20, 2016

MFT Camp Create - Day 1 & 2

Hey Everyone!

My Favorite Things Camp Create has come to an end but I'm making progress on editing my videos for the cards that I submitted to the challenge.  Today I'm sharing with you day 1 & 2 of Camp Create.

Day 1 was titled Monochromatic Magic and it was all about sticking to 1 color.  This presented a challenge for me as I'm always using different kinds of pattern paper or different colors on my projects.  But I went with the color I create with the least, purple, and challenged myself to create a card using that color and Only that color.

For this card, I'm featuring MFT Circle Burst stencil to create my background and pairing it with the Happy Birthday Die-namics

Other Supplies Used: 

Day 2 was all about Awesome Ombre and I was so excited about this day!  Ombre is such an in trend right now and what better way to accomplish it then with my favorite technique...distress ink blending! :)

For this card, I'm featuring MFT Confetti Background Stamp (but any background stamp would work for this, including the one I've linked).  I'm also using a newer stamp set that I'm absolutely LOVING... MFT Make a Wish

Other Supplies Used on Day 2:
Ek Success Powder Tool 
Tim Holtz Ink Blending Tool 
Spun Sugar Distress Ink
Worn Lipstick Distress Ink
Picked Raspberry Distress Ink
Versamark Ink
Ranger Super Fine Detail Clear Embossing Powder
Versafine Onyx Black Ink
Sparkle Embossing Powder
Glitter Paper
Tim Holtz Distress Watercolor Paper
Lawn Fawn Freshly Cut Grass Ink
Lawn Fawn Mermaid Ink
Lawn Fawn Sunflower Ink
Lawn Fawn Pumpkin Spice Ink
Spectrum Noir Clear Sparkle Pen

Friday, August 19, 2016

Tiny Stars Thank You Card Set

Today I'm here with a card set for you guys!  In the days following our arrival from the hospital with our newest addition, we received quite a few gifts of congratulations.  Knowing that I would be home for quite a few weeks before seeing any of our family and friends who sent the generous gifts, I decided to make some cards to send out.  I could handle that, right?!  Just create some cards while the kids are both napping...easy!!  Ha.  Little did I know that schedules would not always work as I would like but more than that, my crafting mojo had  decided to hibernate on me.  This was not ok with me so I started to just try things out.  When I tell you that I had 3 different cards started with no idea where to go with any of them, I'm not joking.  I was generally a pretty messy crafter before, while supplies stacked on top of each other and it didn't bother me and some how I knew where everything was.  But after baby #2, something changed in me and I couldn't handle the distraction.  Onto clearing off and cleaning my desk top.  Once I did that, I started a new card but with something I was comfortable with... distress ink blending background.

So after that long story, I came up with this card set.  The ink blended background for a set of cards does take a little time but I didn't mind.  I was just happy to be creating again! So onto the video as to how I created these cards.  I apologize if I'm a little scattered in my voice over, it's been a very long time since I've done one.

-Tim Holtz Distress Watercolor Paper 
-Cracked Pistachio Distress Ink
-Mermaid Lagoon Distress Ink 
-Blueprint Sketch Distress Ink 
-Ek Success Powder Tool 
-Versamark Ink 
-Versafine Onyx Black Ink 
-Avery Elle "Sentimental" Stamp Set 
-Hero Arts "Tiny Stars" Background Set
-Black Glitter Paper
-Tim Holtz Super Fine Detail White Embossing Powder 
-WOW Silver Pearl Embossing Powder 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

MFT Camp Create Week!

Hey Everyone!

For the last week, I've been busy picking my brain to create projects to participate in the MFT Camp Create Summer Camp!  I seriously love challenges because it makes you think outside of what might be your comfort zone and play along.  This was a really go reason for me to sit at my craft desk and it really helped in getting my crafty mojo flowing.

I created 5 cards, one for each of the challenges that were presented and I even have videos for each of them.  Unfortunately, there aren't enough hours in the day and I wasn't able to have all the videos edited for you in time to post with my cards.  However, have no fear!  The videos will not go to waste and will appear on my blog and YouTube channel very soon!

Anyways...onto all of my creations for the week!

Day 1 of Camp Create was all about Monochromatic Magic!  This one was among one of my most challenging cards to create as I love to use a ton of colors and pattern paper!  For this card, I'm featuring MFT Circle Burst Stencil and MFT Happy Birthday Die-Namics.

Day 2 of MFT Camp Create was Awesome Ombre and oh man was I loving this day!  I absolutely LOVE ombre and what better way to showcase it then one of my favorite techniques; distress ink blending!  For this card I'm featuring MFT Make a Wish Stamp Set and MFT Confetti Background Stamp.  

Day 3 of Camp Create was another technique that I love; Remarkable Resist.  And of course, I again used Distress Ink Blending to create my background piece.  This card I'm using MFT Dainty Scallop Die and MFT Magical Dragon Stamp Set.

Day 4 of Camp Create was one of the most challenging days for me but I tried and conquered.  Day 4 was called Divine Dry Embossing.  It's a techniques that I haven't used in quite some time but am realizing that I need to revisit it, as I'm loving how this card turned out.  For this card, I've used the MFT Blueprints Tag Builder #3 and MFT Kind Thanks Stamp Set. 

Last but not least Day 5 was Stunning Shadow Stamping.  This was a new technique for me but I really enjoyed it and see myself using it again very soon.  This card was a One Hit Wonder, in that I only used 1 stamp set to create the whole card and that stamp set was MFT Make a Wish.  Can you tell I'm really loving this stamp set?!?!

I'm so glad that I got all of the cards completed.  It really challenged me and it was super fun!  I honestly cannot wait till next years Camp Create!  I'm going to aim toward participating in at least 2 sessions.

I'll be back soon with videos for all 5 of these cards for you guys!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Where have I been?

Hey Everyone!

Its been quite some time since I've blogged or even posted a video on my YouTube Channel.  To explain where I've been, I decided to make a short video.  

Now that things have calmed down a little, my hope is to start posting for you guys a little more regularly again.  I've certainly missed creating and I'm hoping that my recent peak in my creating mojo sticks around for quite some time!

For those of you who still visit my blog and YouTube channel,  I truly appreciate it!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Inspired by Series Card #1 (OHWC)

Hey Everyone!!  I'm back, this time much sooner than last so we are making progress!  I've been finding things lately that have really been inspiring me to create a card or project.  It could be anything from a project someone else has created, a sunrise, pattern used in packaging, an outfit my daughters wearing, or an ad in a magazine or tv.  Inspiration is literally all around us.

So the first card that I created in this new Series that I will be doing was inspired by a card that the very talented and one of my crafting idols created;  Kristina Werner!  You can find the card that inspired me by clicking HERE.  Her coloring skills are Insane and she is just ridiculously talented.

Onto the card that I created that was inspired by her Spotlight Coloring Card.  I LOVE the Lawn Fawn mini stamp sets and sometimes I feel like I'm able to create with them better because there is only 1-2 larger images to work with, so I'm not distracted by everything else in the stamp set.  For this card, I'm using Lawn Fawn's Color my World Stamp Set.  This card is also a one layer card AND practically a "One Hit Wonder Card", with the exception of the little hearts that came from another lawn fawn mini stamp set.

And A little POP of color for the inside of the card too!

Enjoy watching how I created this card from start to finish!


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